The Gatekeeper - (Oil Painting Progress Video) - Music by Nargaroth / by Zaki Saati

A progress video to the painting titled “The Gatekeeper”.

Video Link to Youtube

This oil painting was completed rather fast, compared to my other ones. And it is a rather simple painting. I also tried some different mediums, using a mix of turpentine and stand oil.


I made three different mediums with different variations in oil content. The first layer was done with the more turpentine diluted medium. The second medium, a half-half ratio, was used for the majority of the painting layers. And the third one, almost all stand oil and a bit of turpentine was used for final glazing. And it did take a full week to dry.

Normally I have some kind of landscape at a minimum, but having just the sky made this much easier.

Anyway, hope you enjoy.